Available now, "Burt Lancaster: Brains, Brawn, & Bravado"... Hardcover and E-pub! 550 pages, and over 200 photos. Go to Amazon Kindle to order. By David A. Fury, edited by Carolin Kopplin. Go to the Artist's Press tab to read the Preface by Contemporaries of Burt Lancaster and the Author's Introduction.

Burton Stephen Lancaster grew up in a tough East Harlem neighborhood during the Roaring Twenties, the son of a postal worker and a mother who was a strong disciplinarian and a woman of immense principle. During the decade of the Great Depression, the young man toured across America as a circus and vaudeville acrobat, performing with his childhood buddy, Nick Cravat. And during World War II, Lancaster served as an enlisted man in North Africa and Italy, entertaining troops with comedy sketches and no doubt, a few acrobatics thrown into the mix. Upon that big silver screen, well, Burt Lancaster was really something. Sometimes, it was his humanity and fallibility that we, as the audience, identified with in our own lives. Other times it was his marvelous athleticism and willingness to risk his own valuable neck, as he ran, jumped, leaped, fought with swords, guns, fists, anything and everything that he could throw at a screen adversary in performing stunts that we could only marvel at and call simply amazing. And often it was just that big, beautiful Lancaster smile that he broke out in many of his hero, villain, and even anti-hero roles. The actor’s screen persona was invariably charming and sometimes menacing, but it was always a force; your ears absorbing the voice, alternating velvet and gravelly texture, while your eyes tracked his movements to discover what surprising things were in the Lancaster bag of tricks. And through it all, he maintained a sense of humor and never took himself too seriously — he never played the movie star “game.” This is Burt Lancaster’s true story, with his triumphs and failures, his flaws and his faults, his analytical thinking, his bravado on screen, and his warmth and sincere caring for his fellow man.


David Arthur Furry, aka "Davy Arturo", is a singer-songwriter-guitarist who lives in the Minneapolis area. Writing songs and playing acoustic guitar since 1972, he is releasing to the world six songs via streaming and a Vimeo Musician Channel. There will be several additional new songs released soon, as soon as I can record them, from my active catalog of over 100 songs. I have a wide variety of original songs, including pop ballads, rock & roll, country tunes, love songs and heartbreak too. And a debut album, untitled at this point, will be ready in 2024. I hope to have this album available in CD and vinyl format, as well as streaming. Future plans include several guest musicians and singers adding their talents to my new recordings. As the inimitable radio newsman, Paul Harvey, always said on his daily national radio broadcasts, “Stand by for news!”

NOTE: Go to the Video tab above to watch all six of my song videos, NO commercials and NO interruptions! Free of charge, of course! You can also go to Vimeo.com and search for "Davy Arturo" under the “Watch” category! Enjoy! More new music coming soon! DAF

2023 photo with my Taylor guitar and famous black hat!

New Music

2023 Songs by Davy Arturo:  All songs written and performed, acoustic guitar and vocals, by Davy Arturo

"New York City Makes It Right"  with Angie Marrs Crandall  © 2023

"Two Soldiers in the Rain" with Angie Marrs Crandall, violin  © 2023

"The Walkin' Man"  (Story of the homeless veteran) with Angie Marrs Crandall, violin; Dennis Kennedy, harmonica © 2023

"Freedom" (1991 unreleased song, mixed by Paul Musikov) with new added violin track, Angie Marrs Crandall  .........… © 1991-2023

"All It Takes" (1991, mixed by Paul Musikov)  © 1991-2023

"So Long, Yesterday" (1991, mixed by Paul Musikov)  © 1991-2023

Backstory: "New York City Makes It Right" is a tribute to the great city of New York.; written in 2005. "Two Soldiers in the Rain" is a ballad of loyal friendship; written in 2003. "The Walkin' Man" is the story of homeless vets who have walked the roads of America for the past many decades; written in  2003. “Freedom” … recorded in 1991 but unreleased. "All It Takes" … recorded in 1991 but unreleased. “So Long, Yesterday” … recorded in 1991 but unreleased.

2024 Songs by Davy Arturo:  All songs written and performed, acoustic guitar and vocals, by Davy Arturo

Songs coming soon, pop, country-rock, folk-rock, and love ballads. Stand by for news! Davy


The French singer, Edith Piaf, was a lyricist as well a legendary vocal performer. She once said, "Poems are songs without music."

On the "Songs w/o Music" page, I am publishing a few of the many songs that I will probably never have time to record and release. But please enjoy these "poems"... more will follow in the coming weeks and months as I select them from my archives. DAF

  1. “A Mother's Son Has Died” by David Arthur Furry aka Davy Arturo Copyright 1980
  2. “Just Like Big Kids” by David Arthur Furry aka Davy Arturo Copyright 1981
  3.  “Hey Blue" (Tribute to the Beatles) by David Arthur Furry aka Davy Arturo Copyright 1993
  4.  “On A Prison Chain Gang” by David Arthur Furry aka Davy Arturo Copyright 1990